Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

Punjab Police ;Gangs recruiting youths, blocked 6k social media handles:  2023. In the intricate web of security and information, the Punjab Police sounded an alarm—a digital distress call against the nefarious recruitment strategies orchestrated by Lawrence Bishnoi, a jailed gangster, and Arshdeep Dalla, a Canada-based terrorist. This alarming revelation, akin to a burst of lightning in a stormy night, was conveyed to the Ministry of Home Affairs and the heads of state police forces and anti-terror agencies. The tale unfolded—of blocked pathways and monitored networks, a testament to the perpetual battle against digital radicalization.

In the heart of this storm, a two-day anti-terror conference convened by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in Delhi emerged as a crucial battleground. Within this crucible of insights and strategies, the Punjab Police unveiled their arsenal—a presentation delivered by Inspector General of Police (Internal Security) Nilabh Kishore. This presentation, a window into their vigilance mechanisms, showcased a dedicated social media monitoring cell—a fortress guarding against the infiltration of extremist ideologies.

Beware of cash frauds on social media, phones, warns NBC - Khmer Times
image credit-khmer times

The data presented was both staggering and perplexing—a testament to the s

Gangs recruiting youths, blocked 6k social media handles: Punjab Police |  India News - The Indian Express
image credit – the Indian Express

cale of the challenge. Since 2020 to the precipice of September 30 this year, a total of 4,185 Facebook accounts/links, 513 Twitter accounts, 417 YouTube accounts/links, 118 accounts on Instagram, 214 websites, 14 Clubhouse, nine Telegram, and an additional 30 across Snapchat, Signal, and Wickr had been reported to the respective authorities. A dizzying array of digital entities, each potentially a conduit for recruitment and radicalization.

Names emerged from this labyrinth of data, gangsters who wielded the digital realm as a powerful tool—Lawrence Bishnoi, Sampat Nehra, Bhupi Rana, and Lucky Patiyal. They stood as the prime actors in this digital drama, exploiting social media platforms with calculated intent. The narrative expanded further, revealing incidents that transcended borders. Sukhdev Singh Gill, alias Sukha Danke, associated with the notorious Bambi gang, met a tragic fate in Canada’s Winnipeg. The assailants, faceless shadows, left a digital imprint of responsibility on Facebook. In this convoluted world, the gangsters wore the mask of distance, their social media accounts operated from foreign shores.

The Punjab Police, warriors in this invisible battle, left no stone unturned. A comprehensive list of these accounts was compiled, and a relentless campaign ensued. The Cyber Law Division of the Union Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology was engaged, a plea to stem the tide of digital radicalization. Their efforts bore fruit, and a staggering 6,000 accounts/links faced the block—digital voices silenced, if only temporarily.

Punjab police under Human Rights scanner - The Statesman
punjab police Image credit -the statesman

The tangled narrative unveiled further layers, exposing the key modes of radicalization and its menacing factors. The farmers’ agitation, the personas of Amritpal Singh and the Khalsa Vaheer, the pervasive influence of social media, the Dera culture, and the foreign-based movement of Referendum 2020 and Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) stood in the spotlight. Each facet added a layer of complexity to this enigma.

A herculean task unfolded, as the custodians of law compiled a comprehensive list, a veritable tapestry woven with intricate threads of these nefarious digital entities. Their identities remained shrouded, and their intentions concealed, as they waged a covert war against the sanctity of information and the integrity of the virtual world.

The stage was set, and the battle began—a relentless campaign, a digital crusade of unparalleled proportions. The Punjab Police joined hands with the enigmatic Cyber Law Division of the Union Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, forging a formidable alliance. Together, they embarked on an odyssey to curtail the inexorable tide of digital radicalization that threatened to engulf the fragile boundaries of our interconnected society.

As the digital storm continued to brew, the Punjab Police stood vigilant—engaged in a ceaseless dance with the forces that sought to exploit the digital realm for nefarious designs. The battle was far from over, the permutations and combinations of digital radicalization evolving each day. The question remained—how would this intricate tale unfold in the days to come? The answer, as elusive as the wind, danced on the horizons of the unknown.


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